Test the latest release

There are two branches for KompoZer:

The latest release can be downloaded from the project page.

Report bugs

If you find a bug in KompoZer:

Please be as sharp as possible when reporting a bug. It will take us much more time to solve it than for you to describe it — and if the description isn’t sharp enough, there are good chances we won’t address this bug report at all.

Of course, you may also submit a patch along with your bug report. ;-)

Suggest new features

If you think a new feature should be added in KompoZer:

Please understand that the Feature Requests list is just a way to organize a wish-list for KompoZer. If an idea makes sense and if it can be implemented nicely, we’ll be glad to work on it.

You might also want to try to implement your own idea with a patch or an add-on.